

Hi there, I’m Narrae Crowley, and I hope you enjoy this site.

This site has been created to hopefully inspire and pass on some wisdom from my 50+ years on this earth to those that are looking for that little nugget of guidance in “Life.” My background has always been in the medical fields. First working in veterinary science and then fell into the human domain. I have worked in the field of sleep medicine for over 19 years and have had the privilege of working with countless people, that ultimately came for sleep-related problems, but as I so often discovered many had deep underlying inner turmoil. I witnessed so many unfulfilled, overwhelmed clients that were drowning in their own lives, and my heart went out to them. I really listened to what they had to say and found that there were many common themes. What I discovered from this was that I had lived many of those same experiences and could empathize hugely. I was able to offer ideas, practical solutions, and strategies that I had found helpful over the years and was happy to pass on. I had lived their pain.

So who am I and where does my “wisdom” come from? I have worked all my life in multiple career formats.  From small family businesses to large corporations, leading to self-employment in a medical company for over 12 years and now back to the corporate world. I have simultaneously followed my passion and gained certification in holistic health disciplines such as Reiki, a practitioner of NLP, psychological hypnosis, and Kinesiology to understand the depth within us further. I discovered that although I seemed to be living in two very different worlds, I could, however, meld the two to enhance my living experience.  All while raising 4 children and all that comes with it. The school runs, homework, exams, concerts, extracurricular sports, parents meetings, and the list goes on.  My holistic health practices have seen me develop many added skills, including “self” inner work that gives me the strength and tenacity to get up every day and put one foot in front of the other. I know what it is like to be pushed beyond your limits, accept the things that you cannot change and let go of injustices that will potentially unravel you. To say I have learned the art of juggling and acceptance would be an understatement and probably my friends would agree that a couple of months at “brain camp” wouldn’t hurt. I have learned thousands of lessons, gained many skills, and have heaps of wisdom in the wake of both my mistakes and victories. And through all of this, I have been fortunate to witness every chapter in my children’s lives, striving to be present and am proud to have seen them grow into beautiful human beings. I have learned to be grateful for all aspects of my life, including the challenging periods as it has given me my strength and this knowledge to pass on.

I aim to offer small doses of wisdom from the multitude of hurdles we experience in life. You will find practical guidance and resources as well as motivational and inspirational thoughts and ideas to help you through this journey. I have included a section on my specialty,  sleep. I  introduce practical strategies to help those with sleep issues and a particular chapter on the “concept of the law of attraction” from a realist perspective. I have had a lifetime of proof that it works, but not always in the way we expect or want it,  so many should find that interesting.

I will place an important disclaimer here, though. I do not have an exceptional life with enormous wealth, large houses and vacation all over the world so am not going to promise you that I will change your life nor that my ideas will be in line with everyone’s needs or true to all circumstances. I do, however, live a very comfortable life, get to travel for business, work with some beautiful people, have an excellent relationship with my children and have exceptional health, so I am immensely grateful for all that I have.

So, whether you visit this blog once, every now or then or even every day, my wish is to simply deliver a message that may ring true for you and somehow help make a difference.


(Note: The wall art in the background of the picture is done by one of my favourite artists, Lisa Pollock. I have placed her website link here. http://lisapollock.com.au

Music by Nick Murray – Aeon Music. https://music.apple.com/us/album/aeon-feat-juliet-lyons-single/1116150737